3. Anonymous "A Fisherman's Tale"
This story is a bit simplistic and hokey, but I think it teaches a powerful lesson. How often do we work like crazy to accomplish goals (get a promotion, make the next big deal, finish with school, win a tournament in sports), yet forget to enjoy life along the way?
I tend to get too focused on goals and forget to enjoy the journey, rather than just the destination. Obviously working to achieve goals is important, but we shouldn't forget to live in the present.
Thomas S. Monson speaks to this point very well in his talk In Search of Treasure. Here is an excerpt from that talk:
There is no tomorrow to remember if we don’t do something today, and tolive most fully today, we must do that which is of greatest importance. Letus not procrastinate those things which matter most.
Sometimes it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.
I often find that I really need to stop and smell the flowers after a long day. Short walks with my wife, walking the dog, etc., allow us to unwind and talk about the day's events. It really takes discipline to be able to make the time to do this by accomplishing all that needs to be done in the remaining time left over. But I think it is really worth it.