Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Baby Corban

3 weeks ago, we welcomed our 2nd son into the world! His name is Corban Burns Christensen. He was 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and 19.5 inches long. His hair is red, but also kind of a platinum blonde. We'll see what happens. He's doing great! He had jaundice and had to have a photo-light therapy bed for a few days after getting out of the hospital, but he's fine now, and doing great. Just like with Bentley (my first son), I find myself spending large amounts of time just staring at our beautiful new baby.

Life with two kids is totally different than life with one. It really is a whole new world. And we love it! Bentley absolutely adores is little brother. He likes to give him "nuggles" and kisses. He has been a little sad sometimes when Kinsey can't do everything with him, but overall he's done very well with the new addition to the family. My wife is sad that she has 2 children to divide her time between, but she is an amazing mother, and I know she'll love them both and do a great job. I try to help out more with Bentley now, and I actually feel like we've become closer since Corban was born. I have loved it. I took Bentley down to southern Utah with me for a weekend, and we had a blast. I've never been alone with only him for that long. In just one weekend, we became better friends. My heart almost melted when we were playing outside one night, looking at the stars, and when I said 'I love.... Bentley!", he kept replying 'I love... daddy!". It made me realize how important it will be to find 1-on-1 time with my children as our family grows.

I feel like my love for my family, and my desire to be together with them forever, has been taken to a whole new level.

1 comment:

  1. BRETT- these are the CUTEST newborn photos I've ever seen!!! I can't believe how much hair he has!! I'm glad he got some of your wife's gorgeous red hair, I love little redheaded kids! Again- congrats!! Good luck with the second child adjustment!
